Saturday, July 24, 2010

Nite Moves and next fundraiser

Thanks to everyone who came out to my Uno's fundraiser in Reston! The next one is going to be in Pittsburgh on July 28. Just print out one of these vouchers and give it to your server:

I spent a little over a week in California with Jeremy for his brother's wedding. While I didn't get too much running in, I did run a 5K race. Nite Moves is a weekly race series in Santa Barbara that is a run or swim or duathlon. I opted for just the run. If you’re ever in the area on a Wednesday night during the summer, I’d definitely recommend the race! It was a fun, well-organized race with a great post-race party (lots of food, beer and a live band!)

I also really liked the race course… It was an out and back that went uphill the entire way out and downhill the entire way back. I actually didn’t really notice how much of an incline it was until I hit the turnaround point. I ran at a decently fast (for me) pace on the way out and then was really flying on the way back, which was a good experience for me because I’m usually super cautious and slow down hills… According to my Garmin, my sprint to the finish (the last .1 mile) was around an 8 minute mile, which is a pace I have never been able to hold for even 400 meter intervals – so I was pretty excited about that ;)

I finished about 20 seconds slower than my PR. I might have actually run this at a faster pace than my PR, because I am about 95% sure that my 5K PR was on a short course (it’s from before I had a Garmin, so I don’t know for sure). Had I realized how fast I would be able to go on the down hill part of the course, I would have pushed myself harder on the up hill – I started out just running the race for fun and not even thinking about a new PR. That said, I think I ran a good race overall and had a ton of fun!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bake Sale update and June mileage

My bake sale last week was really quite successful! I made $120, which is about twice what I thought the "absolute max" I'd make would be. Not too shabby considering that I did (most) everything on my own! The next fundraiser is my Uno's night on 8 July in Reston. (I'm still waiting to hear back from Uno's about setting up the Pittsburgh one. It's been over a week so I should probably give them a call!)

My mileage for June ended up being 134.8 miles! Good thing I'm okay with random numbers :) My July mileage so far is 14.1 miles... not bad for the first day ;) Tonight I decided to treat myself to a massage because a) I'm having a bad couple of days and it seemed like a good idea and b) maybe it will get rid of this nagging calf tightness that still makes my shin hurt randomly...